St. Mary’s School is a non-profit organization. Our school and offerings were made possible by past donors. Generous contributions have and will continue to secure our future. We celebrate and sincerely appreciate the generosity of our those who make a difference at St. Mary's School,
Contributions are accepted through a variety of means:
Cash Gifts
Cash gifts can be made in the form of a check or cash. You may also wish to pledge your contribution over a period of time. Contributions to the school are accepted on a fiscal year basis. Pledge payments should be completed by June 30 to be included in the current fiscal year.
The simplest and most common form of a planned gift is a bequest made through a donor’s will. Making a gift through a bequest provides the donor the advantage of having gift and estate taxes reduced or avoided. Distributions can be made either as a specific dollar amount or as a percentage of the estate.
Employee Matching Gifts
Many companies will match the contributions their employees make to tax-exempt institutions. This match can double the amount of your gift. St. Mary’s School will offer gift recognition for the amount of your gift plus the match and the name of the company. To get started ask your employer for your company’s matching gift form and include it along with your gift.
St. Mary’s School welcomes donations and services that in turn will benefit our schools. The donor, through an appraisal, record of purchase, or billing statement determines the gift value.
Life Insurance
Designating St. Mary’s School as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy benefits the students while providing substantial tax benefits to you, the donor. The premiums are tax-deductible if the school is selected as both the owner and the beneficiary.
Gifts may be pledged to memorialize and honor a member of your family or loved one. Gifts may be pledged in memory of an individual and / or sponsorship of a scholarship or program.
Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are excellent ways to give particularly if they have appreciated in value. Transferring gifts to the school can bring the donor tax savings by providing a deduction for the full fair market value of the stock when the gift is made. (Stocks generally must have been held for more than eighteen months.) Another advantage with the donation of a security is the exemption of capital gains taxes afforded you.
Capital Campaign
Capital giving is comprised of major gifts to meet building and endowment needs. This is usually consists of a gift that donors typically pay over three to
five years. We are currently collecting for our One Heart, One Goal capital campaign.
We invite you to call St. Mary's School Business Office at 507-446-2300 to learn more how you can make a difference in the future of St. Mary's School.