We knew we had some awesome Knight supporters, but we are completely humbled to report that we not only surpassed our $30,000 Marathon Goal....we have also met our $25,000 Challenge Grant Goal!! That means we will get an additional $25,000 from the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation!!! UNBELIEVABLE! The support our students have received, along with the generosity of our parishioners and alumni, has been OUTSTANDING! We are blessed to have so many supporters who see the value of a Catholic education. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
It was an awesome Marathon Day yesterday! We wanted to give back to the community and make a difference, so here is what we did: made banners and treat bags for our firefighters, police and post office workers and delivered those bags to them and a few businesses...we visited Koda Assisting Living Facility and spent quality time with their residents...we cleaned up the fair grounds and six parks in town....and helped the city with their Storm Sewer Stenciling Program. It was an awesome day of service...giving back to the community that supports us in a big way! THANK YOU AGAIN TO ALL WHO HELPED US MEET OUR MARATHON GOAL! We didn't only bring in $30.000....we brought in over $40,000 to benefit our school! INCREDIBLE MARATHON!
WE EXCEEDED OUR MARATHON GOAL! Once again we are grateful, thankful, and blessed for those who support our mission! THANK YOU to our students and donors for making a difference! AND....as if that wasn't good enough news for one post....we are super excited to announce we have brought in just over $18,574.10 towards our Challenge Grant Goal, too!!!!!! Just $6425.90 to go to earn an additional $25,000 from the Richard M. Schulze Foundation! IT IS A GREAT DAY AT SMS!
Now look who is serving lunch! Thank you to Father Sauer and Queen Swanson for helping out today! And thank you to all of students who are busy collecting Marathon donations to make this happen! 2 more turn in dates! $6,355.31 to go...
While the rest of us enjoy PJ day, Mrs, Swanson was dressed up today by our high earners on Tuesday's turn-in day. They used their creativity....she was looking quite nice!
Session runs Tuesdays (Oct. 1 - Nov. 26) from 2:45-4:00 PM. There will be NO Makerspace Nov. 12th because of conferences. This is an opportunity for students in Grades 2-5 to explore and create with the materials in our SMS Makerspace at no cost. The sessions are limited to 15 students. Click to learn more and to register!
It is sooooo sweet watching the leaders gather the younger students...then pray together and learn about the different virtues (today was HOPE!)...and end by doing an activity together. Today they focused on making Caring Cards for local cancer patients to give them hope as they fight courageously.
We celebrate and sincerely appreciate the generosity of our donors. The commitment & philanthropic support we receive enables St. Mary’s School to ensure the excellence in education that our families can expect. Click to donate today!
Our students have started collecting pledges for the 12th Annual Marathon. The big event takes place on Oct. 4, when our students and staff participate in a community service activity. It is a great way to give back to the community in which we live. Click to learn more!
Yesterday our 7th graders arrived at Eagle Bluff! Wow, was it a packed and wonderful day for them! Wildlife Ecology and Archery and Engineering were the topics focused on yesterday. They also enjoyed their naturalist session on Raptor Physics. Then they headed out on a night hike and may or may not have gotten lost in the dark, but it sure sounded like fun....
It's awesome to have our students back and welcome 13 transfer students, 32 Kindergarten students, and 87 preschool students! It is going to be a great year!
We would like to share our 2018-2019 End of the Year Report with you. This report will give you a glance back on the 2018-19 school year, a glimpse at the current state, and a look into the upcoming school year. Go to: www.stmarys-owatonna.org > About > Year End Report
We have been busy graduating our Preschoolers! Congratulations to the future High School Graduating Class of 2032 (YIKES! that seems like a long ways away but we all know it will be here before we know it!). We are happy to be a part of these students' educational journey. May they always be excited to wonder, discover, create and excel! YOU DID IT 3-day, 4-day, and Kindergarten Readiness graduates!